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        Location: Home > Publications
        Advances in Earth Science
        Update time: 2009-08-18
        Text Size: A A A

        Advances in Earth Science (monthly), started its publication in 1986, is a comprehensive and scholarly journal co-sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Division of Earth Sciences and Bureau of Science and Technology for Resources and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Lanzhou Branch Library of the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Reports primarily on the research progress of earth science and environmental science both at home and abroad, reviews the trend of the major themes of the study in Earth system science, global change and sustainable development, etc. Introduces the information of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary subjects, promotes high-tech’s application to the earth sciences, and advances the research of earth sciences and resources, environmental science and service for sustainable development. At the same time, reports the grant information of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, announces the assessment results by the Earth Sciences Division of the Foundation, communicates the work expertise of the National “Climbing” Program, National Program for Tackling Key Problems and the subsidized projects by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and publicizes the contents and research results of the Foundation Projects in the fields of Earth sciences.

        Add: Lanzhou Branch Library of the National Science Library, CAS
        8 Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000 , Gansu Province, P.R.CHINA
        Fax: (0931)8275743;8277790
        Email: adearth@lzb.ac.cn

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