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        Location: Home > Publications
        Golden Science and Technology
        Update time: 2009-08-18
        Text Size: A A A

        Gold Science and Technology (bimonthly), started its publication in 1988, is a comprehensive science and technology journal in the charge of Chinese Academy of Sciences, hosted by Lanzhou Branch Library of the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This publication is one of the important journals of China, which focuses on science and technology of gold and other precious metals, and puts emphasis on publishing and reporting new theories, new ideas, new technologies, new methods, new achievements, new products of gold and other precious metals as well as their exploring, mining, producing and marketing in China and the world over. The aim of the journal is reporting gold science and technology development, promoting academic communication and the development of service industries to provide a platform of communicating information for scientific research institutes, technical personnel in enterprises and production managers.

        Add: Lanzhou Branch Library of the National Science Library, CAS
        8 Tianshui Road Lanzhou 730000 ,Gansu Province P.R.CHINA
        Tel: 0931-8277791  Fax: 0931-8275743  
        Email: Hjkx@lzb.ac.cn

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