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        Location: Home > Publications
        Remote Sensing Technology and Application
        Update time: 2009-08-18
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        Remote Sensing Technology and Application (bimonthly) is a comprehensive academic journal, mainly publishing academic papers and research reviews on domestic and international remote sensing theory, technology and application of research areas, reporting development trends, new technologies, new theories, new methods and new achievements on domestic and international remote sensing research and application. Primary target of the publication is to introduce the use of the new theories, new methods and new data of the domestic and foreign remote sensing technology and application, the global research and development trend of remote sensing technology, to promote high-tech’s application to earth sciences and economic development. It also introduces the achievements of the research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, of the National “Climbing” Program and of the National Program for Tackling Key Problems.

        Website: www.rsta.ac.cn
        Add: Lanzhou Branch Library of the National Science Library, CAS
        8 Tianshui Road Lanzhou 730000 ,Gansu Province P.R.CHINA
        Tel: (0931)8272180
        Fax: (0931)8275743 ;8277790
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